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Trusted by the World's best data teams

"Simplifies the complexity of our data"
Metaphor greatly simplifies the complexity of our highly dynamic data environment and makes it very accessible for users to quickly discover trusted data.
Ayelet Bar-Ness Cohen
Data Product Manager

"Surpassed overall usage"

Within a few months of implementing Metaphor we have already surpassed the overall platform usage of our previous data catalog solution.
Justin Swenson
Product Technical Lead, Sub-Zero Group, Inc

"The 360° view of Endpoint's data"

We see Metaphor as the 360° view of Endpoint Closing’s data landscape and acting as the portal for anything and everything data-related.
Sunny Pachunuri
Head of Data Engineering, Endpoint Closing

"Intuitive user interface"

Metaphor's intuitive user interface makes it very easy for our end users to find the data and documentation they care about. It also lets our Data team quickly understand the complex lineage and impact of changes before doing work on data.
Micah Rye
Data Insights Leader, Tulip Technologies

"Enables our data mission"

Metaphor enables our mission to revolutionize how orgs accelerate their marketing outcomes by automatically visualizing and clearly understanding the flow of data.
Jonathan Kopnick
CTO, Revenue Roll